A few weeks ago, I attended a vendor fair to raise money for The Tyler Foundation. Although, some people might think the “Do-Ovah” does not really fit into the typical craft fair mold (yes I was sitting next to people selling jewelry, candles, and knit hats) since it was for charity I thought I’d give it a try.
This being my first fair, I had to decide what my tablescape should look like. I knew I’d be putting up some of my design boards, but what else would work? I also knew I’d have a white table cloth, and knowing me, that wasn’t going to be enough. I headed to Joanne’s to check out what fall inspiration I could find. I found this beautiful burlap in the utility fabrics for just $3.99 a yard. For under $10, my table was beginning to look stunning! Burlap is just like my gingham for the fall.

Since I wasn’t selling a product, but rather, a service I decided to come up with a little presentation to show potential clients a little bit of the Do-Ovah in action. Lots of people have been asking me about what to do to create affordable centerpieces. This was the perfect opportunity to show them (and, of course YOU since I knew I’d be writing my first post about it) I scoured the clearance rack of TJ Maxx for the perfect pieces. I started with a large platter and a lantern that would be used consistently in each display.
I decided to make a display that could be used all year, by simply updating a few pieces each month. For September I used some decorative balls covered in seashells…cauz let’s face it, no one is ready to say good by to summer just yet. I also used a book and owl to represent back to school.

For the beginning of October I switched out the seashells with a pumpkin and some gourds. Then, as we get into the spookier time of the month, I took away the owl and added a skull & bones with a bit of green cheesecloth fabric. You are all set for a freaky Halloween!

Finally, pull the scary stuff and throw in a turkey and some kale and, you guessed it, Happy Thanksgiving!

This was such a great event and it was so fun for me to bring a little bit of the “Do-Ovah” on the road. The best part of it all was when people started calling me the “local Nate Berkus” cause, come on, he IS one of the design greats. What a compliment! Hope to see what you decided to add to a centerpiece of your own.